Shoes Like Pottery

The hallmark of Shoes Like Pottery is the vulcanizing, (or ka-ryu,in Japanese). In the ka-ryu process, each shoe is fired in a kiln which causes the rubber to return to its natural elasticity,creating, a soft, flexible, and durable outsole. SLP sources only the highest quality materials, carefully chosen to maintain the integrity of each pair of shoes. A skilled craftsman attaches the upper to the outsole,this process is labour intensive and impossible to do by machine. Shoes Like Pottery outsoles are very flexible because they are made of raw rubber that feels like soft clay. Once fully assembled the shoe is prepared for vulcanization in the kiln, the shoes are then fired at 120 °C for 70 minutes, very similar to the way Japanese pottery is fired. The extreme heat and pressure causes a chemical reaction which returns the rubber to its original shape. This unique ka-ryu process enables SLP to hand-craft small batches of these fine vulcanized shoes in a way that is unique to the parent Moonstar Company.

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